by PR Chair | Sep 27, 2023 | Buck A Door
The Community Associations Institute, California Legislative Action Committee (CAI-CLAC) is committed to reviewing laws that affect Common Interest Developments (CIDs) and engaging with legislators to sponsor bills that would be advantageous to CIDs – and legislators...
by PR Chair | Apr 1, 2022 | Announcements, HOA Trends, Legislative Day, Legislative Meetings, Legislative Updates
Guest Post by Pam Richardson, Esq. Each year, board members, community managers, and business partners working with community associations meet with their legislators to educate them about pending legislation and current issues affecting California’s 55,000 community...
by PR Chair | Feb 22, 2022 | HOA Trends, Hot Bills, Legislative Updates
Guest Blog By Kimberly Lilley In 2020, a bill helping to define what financial protections for associations look like came into being (AB 2912). As with every good intention, some difficulties in execution arose. You’re required to deposit funds into a bank, savings...
by cai-clac | Feb 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Hundreds of bills heard each year in Sacramento can affect California’s community associations. But how do our legislators know what’s best for homeowners? In addition to CAI-CLAC’s advocacy, it’s emails and phone calls from members like...
by cai-clac | Jan 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
California is experiencing the worst drought in over a century. While recent rains bring good news for our water supply, the California Legislature has enacted a number of laws aimed at water conservation that still stand. Existing law requires the Department of Water...
by cai-clac | Sep 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
For those of you who hadn’t heard yet, Community Associations Institute’s, California Legislative Action Committee (CAI-CLAC) is officially announcing the retirement of its long term lobbyist Skip Daum of Capitol Communications Group on September 30th. Skip had a...
by cai-clac | Jan 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
The legislative calendar establishes a schedule for the 2013-14 Legislative Session and provides important deadlines to the legislative process. While this is a general outline for the legislative year, the Senate and Assembly Daily Files contain the scheduled events...
by cai-clac | Dec 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
CAI-CLAC is proud to announce its newest committee (drum roll…), the Legislative Strategy & Research Committee (LSRC)! The LSRC has been created to support the legislative agenda of CLAC through forward planning, development of strategy, and research. It is our...