Photo Gallery
Welcome to our photo gallery. Enjoy highlights from our latest events.
2019 Evening Garden Affaire Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who joined us for An Evening Garden Affaire and supporting our 2019 Benefit Fundraiser at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa. We had a wonderful time with all CAI’s eight California Chapters, our CAI members and business partners as we kicked off the 2019 CAI Legal Forum: California Communities.
2019 Legislative Day at the Capitol
Legislative Day at the Capitol was a powerful two-day event in Sacramento, CA that brought an impressive group of community association advocates together for change. In two days, over 100 CID industry professionals and homeowners visited EVERY state legislators office at the capitol. Thank you all for your commitment to educate members of the Senate and Assembly on the potential impacts of several bills being considered this year. You can view more event highlights here.
2018 Sunset Stroll Benefit Fundraiser
We had a wonderful time at our Sunset Stroll Benefit Fundraiser and we hope to see everyone next year. Thank you to everyone who joined us and to all our amazing sponsors!
2018 CAI-CLAC Annual Planning Meeting (APM)
Great minds and passionate people across the state came together for our Annual Planning Meeting to discuss key issues facing community associations and our legislative priorities for 2019.
2018 CAI CA Legal Forum: Nor Cal
CAI CA North Chapter and CAI Bay Area & Central Chapter put on an excellent 1st event! We’re looking forward to next year on September 12, 2019!
2018 Legislative Day at the Capitol
CAI-CLAC’s 2018 Legislative Day at the Capitol in Sacramento. With a record number of attendees and amazing sponsors, Legislative Day was a tremendous success. Thank you to all who participated. During their delegate meeting, the CAI-CLAC Delegates determined the following bills needed CAI-CLAC to take positions on and those positions be shared with our legislators. With that, the following talking points were created and #CLACAttackers stormed the capitol with their I <3 My HOA buttons on.
Congratulations to CAI-CLAC PR Chair Morgen Hardigree (pictured left), Chairman’s Choice Award recipient at last week’s Legislative Day at the Capitol. Thanks for all you do, Morgen!
Monday was an incredible day for a #clacattack at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Members of CAI-CLAC prepare to meet with legislators to discuss important issues relevant to HOAs and CIDs in California
Martin Paine with Senator Mimi Walters with Chapter members Catherine Brians, Corky Burnett, Terri Hamilton, Wendy Bucknum, Ruth May and Heather Gerson.
From L-R: John MacDowell, CLAC OC Liaison, Wendy Bucknum, At Large Delegate and Chapter President, US Congressman Campbell, Ramona Acosta CLAC OC Delegate, Jamie Hackwith, CLAC OC Delegate.