Guest Blog by Randy Stokes, CAI-CLAC Channel Islands Liaison
About three years ago, I joined our local CAI Channel Islands Chapter and began hearing about the value the California Legislative Action Committee (CAI-CLAC) brings to homeowners associations by representing their interests at the State Capitol in Sacramento. The more I heard, the more important I believed CAI-CLAC’s contributions to be. I learned of CAI-CLAC’s Buck-A-Door program to raise money to support CAI-CLAC’s good works, and proposed to my fellow HOA directors that our association contribute to that campaign. I was told that our governing documents prohibited us from using association funds for any political purpose. Upon learning this, I reviewed the documents and confirmed this in fact was true.
I contacted our local chapter’s executive director to see if I could make a personal contribution to the CAI-CLAC campaign. She gave me an enthusiastic YES, and I immediately wrote a check.
The following year, I continued to extol the value provided by CAI-CLAC’s work and challenged/invited my fellow directors to join me in making personal contributions to the Buck-A-Door campaign. Together, we ALL enthusiastically made contributions that exceeded the “dollar-per-unit” total the program requested. I expect this level of contributions to continue in future years.
I’ve proudly volunteered to serve on our chapter’s Legislative Support Committee for CAI-CLAC and for the CAI-CLAC’s statewide committee. My continued involvement is because I believe so strongly in CAI-CLAC’s mission in service to homeowners associations throughout California.
Learn more about CAI-CLAC’s Buck A Door Campaign and Legislative Advocacy to get involved.

Guest Blog by Randy Stokes, CAI-CLAC Channel Islands Liaison
Randy Stokes, currently serves as the CAI-CLAC Channel Islands Liaison. He is the Vice President and homeowner member with Surfside III Condominium Owners’ Association, Inc. in Port Hueneme.