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2019 CAI-CLAC Annual Planning Meeting Recap
The 2019 CAI-CLAC Annual Planning Meeting (APM) brought together 56 CAI-CLAC Delegates, Liaisons, At-Large Delegates, Emeritus Members, as well as Chapter CED and LSC members from throughout California to discuss key issues facing community associations and our legislative priorities for 2020 and beyond.
Governor Newsom Signed SB 323
We are disappointed to announce that late last night, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 323 (Wieckowski). This means it will be effective on January 1, 2020. We worked hard to defeat SB 323 and I am proud of the work we’ve done. We came very close, especially on the Assembly Floor where the bill passed and was sent to the Governor with NO votes to spare. It would not have been so close without your hard work at the grassroots level, nor would the bill be as it is written now. Believe it or not, SB 323 was even worse when it was first in print and our opposition forced the bill to be amended to account for the problems we pointed out. While we’re disappointed in the outcome, we were very successful in reducing the bill’s negative implications. Your efforts, in the form of phone calls, letters, e-mails, social media messaging, and in-person visits with legislators, made a big difference – and nearly made all the difference.
Contact Us
Administrator Coordinator
Wendy Van Messel, CMCA
1809 S Street, Suite 101-245
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: 916-791-4750 | Toll Free: 888-909-7403
Fax: 916-550-9488 | E-mail: office@caiclac.com