Who We Are

The California Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) is a committee of Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national not-for-profit educational and resource organization dedicated to fostering vibrant, competent, harmonious community associations. CLAC consists of homeowners and professionals serving community associations.

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CAI-CLAC Announces Positions on 2018 Legislation

SB 1265 threatens Privacy Rights of more than 13 million Californians living in Community Associations.
Duplicative SB 721 Imposes Significant New Costs while doing nothing to improve Safety of Homeowners.

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2018 Legislative Hot Bills

Find out more about current and past Legislative Session Hot Bills.

Video: Legislative Day at the Capitol 2017



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Recent Articles

The Latest in the CA Department of Insurance’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy

The Latest in the CA Department of Insurance’s Sustainable Insurance Strategy

On June 12, 2024, the California Department of Insurance (DOI) released its latest step in what they are calling their Sustainable Insurance Strategy (Strategy). Keep in mind that a large portion of the target for the Strategy is residential/individual insurance. Community association insurance is a commercial policy, and therefore is subject to the sections below that impact the commercial side, while individual homeowners may also see their residential carriers impacted if they are in a planned community.

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2024 Advocacy Week with CAI-CLAC: Memorial Scholarship Recipient’s Perspective

2024 Advocacy Week with CAI-CLAC: Memorial Scholarship Recipient’s Perspective

By Kami Goldstein

As the recipient of this year’s CAI-CLAC Memorial Scholarship, I have been tasked with writing about my experience attending my first in person CAI-CLAC Advocacy Week in Sacramento.  Let me start by giving you a little bit of background.  I am a Community Association Manager and I have been in the industry for almost 17 years.  I have never been involved as a volunteer on any of the CAI Committees. In 2021, during COVID, little did I know that all of this would change.

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Administrator Coordinator

Wendy Van Messel, CMCA
1809 S Street, Suite 101-245
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: 916-791-4750 | Toll Free: 888-909-7403
Fax: 916-550-9488 | E-mail: office@caiclac.com

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