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Recent Articles
Governor Newsom Signs AB 3182
We are deeply disappointed that Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 3182 over the objections of CAI-CLAC and the more than 5,000 constituents who contacted his office to express their concerns. What is most insulting is that the Governor issued the notice of his signature of the bill in a press release touting the State’s effort to improve the housing affordability crisis in California.
AB 3182: Forced Amendments
You’ve been hearing a lot from us about Assembly Bill 3182 (Ting). That’s because it is a bad bill and will be harmful to community associations and their members throughout California if passed, for numerous reasons. One of the consequences of drastically changing a bill’s language at the last possible minute, is there’s simply no time for those impacted to provide input and express the need for changes. That’s exactly what happened here.
Contact Us
Administrator Coordinator
Wendy Van Messel, CMCA
1809 S Street, Suite 101-245
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: 916-791-4750 | Toll Free: 888-909-7403
Fax: 916-550-9488 | E-mail: office@caiclac.com