Chapter Contributions to CLAC

Many chapters make contributions to their state legislative action committees or they fund the lobbyist for the legislative action committee.  Due to your chapter IRS corporate status, chapters must either disclose the amount of money they spend on lobbying to their members OR pay a proxy tax (35%) on the money spent on lobbying activities.  CAI chapters should not pay a proxy tax.  CAI has set up a page on our web site to allow for the appropriate disclosure of chapter lobbying expenses.

Please provide Dawn Bauman, CAE, SVP of Government Affairs, with the dollar amount your chapter has spent on lobbying activities in the last fiscal year so that the chapter is not exposed to the proxy tax.

Contact Dawn Bauman at or 703.970.9224 with any questions.

If you would like to make a donation to CAI-CLAC, please use CAI National’s online contribution system.

Thank you for your support!