October 1, 2024 marks the beginning of the California Legislative Action Committee (CAI-CLAC) 2024-2025 leadership term. CAI-CLAC is a volunteer organization consisting of homeowners and professionals serving community associations.

Due to the hard work of our volunteers and California CAI Chapter Advocates, CAI-CLAC is able to educate, advocate, and continually work to improve California’s community associations. CAI-CLAC is dedicated to improving community association living and property values by advocating for a reasonable balance between state statutory requirements. We also advocate for individual homeowners’ ability to govern themselves through their community associations.

It’s our pleasure to welcome our new CAI-CLAC Chair, Stacy Donnelly, PCAM. “I’m excited to begin the year as Chair of CAI-CLAC, and look forward to working with all of our members who share in the goal of guiding good legislation for our industry,” explains Donnelly.

“It is an honor to be part of the team and it has been a tremendous learning experience to watch the legislative process from start to finish year after year. I learn more and more with every year I commit to volunteering with CAI-CLAC, and would invite all who are interested and invested in our industry to come join us!”

Additionally, Robert Spillar, with Westpark Maintenance District, Board President, is our new Vice-Chair. We are also welcoming several new Executive Committee members this year, including Randy Stokes as Secretary, Pamela Richardson, Esq. as PR Chair, and Robert DeNichilo, Esq., CCAL as Legislative Co-Chair.

We thank Kieran Purcell, Esq., CCAL our Past Chair, Natalie Stewart our Past PR Chair, and Allison Anderson, Past Legislative Co-Chair for their time and contributions to CAI-CLAC. Kieran will continue to serve on the Executive Committee as Immediate Past Chair, Natalie will continue with CAI-CLAC serving as a Liaison for the CAI Greater Los Angeles Chapter, and Allison will continue to serve as a Delegate for the CAI California North Chapter.

It’s the incredible dedication and hard work of our California advocates that make CAI-CLAC possible. Together, we are not just shaping policies—we’re building stronger, more connected communities. To learn more about the 2024-2025 Executive Committee, Delegates and Liaisons, click here.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X for ongoing updates and information from our committee.