Guest Blog by Nicole Kardos, CAI-CLAC Public Relations Committee Member

I have been involved in the HOA industry for more than six years. Recently, I’ve become more engaged with CAI-CLAC and the Public Relations Committee. It has been extremely beneficial to learn more about the benefits of CAI-CLAC and how they serve 13 million Californians in over 50,000 community associations.

One resource that has proved very helpful is the CAI-CLAC Legislative Support Committee (LSC) handbook. The LSC Handbook is an easy-to-use resource for those seeking to learn more about CAI-CLAC and provides guidance for current and future LSC Chairs. It also outlines what an LSC is and how to serve your Chapter while supporting CAI-CLAC.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Erik Rivera, Greater Los Angeles Chapter Legislative Support Committee Chair, and CLAC Public Relations Committee Member, to gain his perspective on the benefits of the LSC handbook. Erik explains more in our Q&A about why he created the LSA Handbook and its benefits below.

Q: “With your experience in CAI-CLAC and your Chapter LSC, what was the driving force behind spearheading the CAI-CLAC LSC handbook?”

A: “I have been involved in CAI-CLAC and the CAI Greater Los Angeles LSC for several years. Questions constantly came up about the difference between CAI-CLAC and the Chapter LSCs. I suggested a resource such as the LSC handbook and the Executive Board approved moving forward.

I think it is great to have these resources for those to refer back to. California is unique in that we have multiple Chapters throughout the state and it can be confusing. Other states often have one Chapter or maybe two, so they don’t have a need for multiple Chapter LSCs. I thought it would be a convenient resource for Chapter LSC Chairs to pass on to their predecessor as well as for those interested in future leadership whether in CLAC or their Chapter specifically.”

Q: “What is the handbook’s main goal? How do you think the LSCs should utilize the handbook?”

A: “It is a great internal resource for the LSCs to use as they see fit for their Chapter and specific needs. I will distribute it to whoever is interested in learning more about CAI-CLAC and I am going to encourage other Chapters to do the same thing. It is a great resource and tool for those who are interested. We need more interest from Chapter members to collaborate with CAI-CLAC. Current Chairs can’t be Chairs forever. It is great for team members, who are interested in leadership. It will help you have a better understanding of the distinction between CAI-CLAC and the LSC. You get to understand and see the different roles.”

Q: “What part of the handbook would you tell new leaders to focus on?”

A: “It is all relevant and depends on the direction the new team member is interested in. The living documents are great to look through as they will be revised over time with new policies we add, creative ideas, or protocols.

The handbook is a reasonably sized document to be used as a general reference. It goes over the basics and then tackles more specific cases. If you have more questions, it directs you to go to your Chapter LSC Chair or Delegate. We don’t want to assume a CAI Chapter doesn’t operate in just one way. Therefore, we provide guidelines and best practices for how an LSC should be run and the LSC Chair determines what part they want to take into their Chapters based on their needs. The handbook shares insight from each CAI Chapter to provide different viewpoints.”

We are grateful for Erik Rivera’s time and all our CAI-CLAC volunteers. If you would like a copy of the LSC Handbook or more information on how to get involved with CAI-CLAC, please contact your CAI Chapter LSC Chair or contact Wendy Van Messel at 

You can also learn more about CAI-CLAC on their website! Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or About Us to hear more about what we do and how you can get involved. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for real-time updates! Never miss our legislative news, resources, event updates, or legislative action.

Stay tuned for part two of the series to hear the perspective of the CLAC LSC handbook and the benefits from CLAC-PR Chair, Natalie Stewart.