PR Committee Meeting
CAI-CLAC PR Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC PR Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC Executive Committee Members Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC Delegate Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC PR Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC Executive Committee Members Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC Delegate Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
CAI-CLAC’s Advocacy Week is back in-person and back at the Capitol in Sacramento in 2025! Join this virtual Town Hall to get the scoop on this 3-day immersive event packed with networking, learning opportunities and valuable legislative information!
CAI-CLAC PR Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.
This year, we will continue hosting in-person events and provide a virtual opportunity, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for everyone. With 35 new legislators joining the Assembly and Senate, now is […]
CAI-CLAC Delegate Committee Monthly Meeting. Note: meetings are subject to change.